Our services

Ortopan CBCT (3D i 2D)

Without ordering and waiting, in 30 seconds we will make a three-dimensional image of your teeth, which you can get on a CD or send to you by mail.

iTOP Education

Only individual training led, shaped and constantly monitored by oral hygiene experts provides long-term success. Our answer is: iTOP!


If you are missing a few teeth, we will perform a diagnosis and suggest the best solution in the form of making crowns, bridges or dentures.

Dental implants

We will restore your smile and confidence with implants that are the most similar to natural teeth.


We will make sure that your smile gains brightness and shine with our whitening treatment.

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that closely deals with improving the health of the teeth and oral cavity, beautifying the patient's smile and appearance.

Dental braces

We make mobile and fixed braces that prevent major irregularities in the bite and position of the teeth, and can also permanently solve the problem.

Prevention and education

We will clean your teeth, make a diagnosis and give you an opinion if certain procedures are necessary.

Prevention with sandblasting

In the office, we use an ultrasonic scale remover, which completely painlessly removes tartar and soft deposits, both supragingivally and subgingivally.

Diodni Laser Claros pico

Naš laser brzo, bezbolno, učinkovito i s manje krvarenja rješava različite stomatološke probleme!

Children's dentistry

Do you want your children to have healthy and beautiful teeth, but you don't know how?

Oral surgery

Oralna kirurgija stomatološka je grana koja se odnosi na kirurške zahvate na području naših usta i čeljusti.


If you have difficulty chewing, have loose teeth, bleeding gums or inflamed gums, it is very possible that you have periodontal disease. It is very important that you contact us as soon as possible so that the disease does not progress.


Root canal treatment and filling treatments