Oral surgery
Oralna kirurgija stomatološka je grana koja se odnosi na kirurške zahvate na području naših usta i čeljusti.

The team consists of a doctor of dental medicine, a specialist in oral surgery, and for complicated extractions or pre-prosthetic preparation, you have EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE.

Our other services

Diodni Laser Claros pico
Naš laser brzo, bezbolno, učinkovito i s manje krvarenja rješava različite stomatološke probleme!

iTOP Education
Only individual training led, shaped and constantly monitored by oral hygiene experts provides long-term success. Our answer is: iTOP!

Ortopan CBCT (3D i 2D)
Without ordering and waiting, in 30 seconds we will make a three-dimensional image of your teeth, which you can get on a CD or send to you by mail.
Payment methods
- Premium Visa kartica do 36 mjeseci
- Diners card up to 12 months without interest
- Master Card up to 24 months without interest
- Maestro, Go Card, Visa up to 24 months

Contact us with confidence.
You can contact us by phone, e-mail or come to the office in person. We are at your disposal for all information.